If you’ve been receiving a lot of compliments from clients and managers alike, maybe it’s time to start your law firm.
Though the idea of starting your business is intriguing, you are still on the fence about it.
What if you incur so much debt that you’ll eventually be swimming in a pool of bills?
The key is to stop thinking in hyperboles.
You don’t need to be the number one law firm in town right away. Take it step-by-step.
Many small businesses and start-ups are booming, and your company just might be one of them someday!
Even if you might not have that considerable capital to give you confidence, you can still kick-start your business on a budget following these three tips.
1. Cut Down on Operation Costs
If you live in an upscale city and want to rent an entire office space, then you are doomed to suffer the consequences.
Sure, you might want to impress your clients with some nouveau-riche decorations, but it’s essential to direct your initial focus on the only thing that matters: your operation.
What value you bring to clients and the level of professionalism that you follow are far more impressive than leather chairs.
Hence, for starters, you can look at sharing an office space with other lawyers or even work
from home as a consultant.
If the thought of working from home puzzles you since you’ll need an accountant or bookkeeper, don’t fret. Some companies offer law firm accounting services that will help you in all areas of bookkeeping to keep track of your accounts payable and plan your taxes.
2. Spend Money on Necessities
Many people who follow the law of attraction principle draw vision boards and paste pictures of themselves living their absolute dream.
It doesn’t matter if you believe in the law of attraction or not; what you SHOULD think is the importance of establishing a good rapport with clients early on.
To do that, you’ll need three things: an office (or home space if you work remotely), your contact number and email address, and a website.
You don’t need to be tech-savvy to create your website. There are simple how-to tutorials that teach you how to create a WordPress website that should give you a head start.
Just make sure your website theme and design are not too flashy but humble and formal. It’s also crucial to have your contact details mentioned clearly and directly on the landing page so that clients won’t have to search for them.
3. Save Costs on Marketing
You don’t have to go all out on your marketing campaigns.
Sometimes simple but effective marketing strategies get you a lot closer to your goal than overspending on Google Ads.
Think about curating some content around the type of services your law firm offers.
For example, if your firm is specialized in Family Law, you can create content about property and inheritance laws that people should know of.
Today many people seek to read and learn on digital platforms more than ever. So use this to your advantage and hire freelance content writers to boost user engagement with your website.
Ultimately, you can also hire marketers to design your campaign or partner with legal agencies that generate leads and target customers for you for a small price.