What is ‘Man-Year’
A method of describing the amount of work done by an individual throughout the entire year. The man-year takes the amount of hours worked by an individual during the week and multiplies it by 52 (or the number of weeks worked in a year). The man-year calculated will be different for various industries depending on the average number of hours worked each week and the number of weeks worked per year.
Explaining ‘Man-Year’
There are two main reasons why an organization may calculate the man-year applicable to its employees.
For one, that organizations may use the man-year along with sales or cost figures as a performance metric. For example, a company may calculate a sales per man-year metric and compare it to values from previous years.
The second reason a company would calculate the man-year would be for budgetary reasons. For example, a corporation may calculate the total man-years for various offices that it operates and allocate budgets according to office size.
Further Reading
- The source of productivity growth in Dutch agriculture: A perspective from finance – academic.oup.com [PDF]
- Economics of Athenian drama: Its relevance for the arts in a small city today – www.jstor.org [PDF]
- Three qualitative simulation extensions for supporting economics models – www.computer.org [PDF]
- Notes on Linear Programming and Public Finance – www.jstor.org [PDF]
- Local financial development and firm performance: Evidence from Morocco – www.sciencedirect.com [PDF]
- Accounting standards and the economics of standards – www.tandfonline.com [PDF]
- Economics of biomass energy utilization in combustion and gasification plants: effects of logistic variables – www.sciencedirect.com [PDF]