What is ‘Hamburg Stock Exchange (HAM) .H’
This now-defunct exchange was located in Hamburg, Germany. It traded stocks, bonds and other securities and was a financial pillar of the city. It offered investment plans such as FONDS-X that impacted both open and closed-end funds.
Explaining ‘Hamburg Stock Exchange (HAM) .H’
The HAM was the oldest stock exchange in Germany, founded in 1558. The Hamburg Stock Exchange merged with the Hanover Stock Exchange in 1999 to form the BOAG Borgen AG. However, the Frankfurt exchange has made this new entity virtually obsolete. The former exchange ran from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Further Reading
- The demand for money in an open economy: Germany and the United Kingdom – www.sciencedirect.com [PDF]
- Annuities in late medieval Hanse towns – www.jstor.org [PDF]
- Parkett oder Computer?: Die Kosten sofortigen Abschlusses an der Hanseatischen Wertpapierbörse Hamburg und im elektronischen Handelssystem IBIS – www.degruyter.com [PDF]
- Foreshadowing LTCM: The crisis of 1763 – madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de [PDF]