We all know that sleep is incredibly important for our health and well-being as people, as well as the quality of work we do. A lack of quality sleep can affect not only your health but also how you feel, and how productive you are as well. Whether it’s hard for you to fall asleep at all, or you find yourself tossing and turning all night long, it’s important that you try and find a solution to that so that you can go back to normal. However, before you consider more expensive options like going to the doctor’s or to a therapy session, it might be a good idea to rule out the three most common and easily fixable reasons why you’re experiencing sleeping issues.
1. Reconsider Your Mattress
Since mattresses aren’t a thing most people buy on a regular basis, it might be obvious to say that buying a new one isn’t the first thing most people go to when experiencing sleeping issues. However, mattresses lose their spring and shape with time and use, which means they become less soft, and thus don’t provide the same level of comfort as they used to. Not only that, but it could also be that when you were buying yours, you didn’t really factor in how firm you needed it to be to properly support your body. As the experts at CityMattress.com point out, the materials and the way your mattress is made can also have a big role in your overall comfort and subsequently your sleeping patterns as well. While most people only think to get a new mattress after they’ve been experiencing back pain for quite some time now, sleeping issues could be an early sign that the one you currently have simply isn’t the right fit for you. Going to the store, and trying out a few different mattresses will help you determine if this could be a contributing factor. If you notice a difference in your comfort levels right away, it might be a good idea to invest in a new one.
2. Diet Changes
The things we eat and drink play a big role in how we sleep, and when we experience sleeping problems, it’s quite possible that our diet is at least partly to blame. For example, you might not be drinking enough fluids before bedtime, or you could have changed your normal routine by having a cup of coffee past noon one day, which would mean that it’s going to take more time for you to fall asleep. Also, if your diet is too heavy or spicy, then there’s a chance that you’re going to wake up feeling uncomfortable and unrested and subsequently, sleep-deprived and exhausted. This can also be caused by eating extremely late at night as well because having a full stomach before bedtime can often result in discomfort. In addition, high-processed foods, as well as foods that have a high sugar content can affect our ability to fall asleep. If any of this rings a bell, you might want to consider switching to a diet that’s a bit more health-focused. Not eating past 7 pm, drinking enough water, cutting down on coffee and sugar, as well as incorporating more fresh produce into your meals are all great places to start.
3. Exercise Routine
Your activity levels will play a role in your ability to get good sleep as well. This could be either because you’re not exercising enough, or because your workout routine is too intense too close to your bedtime. In the first case, try going on daily walks – adjusting the pace and the time spent on walking depending on how much exercise you need. You could also try taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to places that are within walking distance so it doesn’t feel like a chore. On the other hand, if you already have a demanding fitness routine, try moving it up to earlier in the day and do some light yoga or simple stretches before bed in order to avoid having an adrenaline spike when you lay down. If you’re doing high-intensity workouts in the evening, not only will it make it harder for you to wind down and fall asleep, but it can also increase your core temperature significantly. And when our core temp is elevated at night, we often end up in a state of restlessness.
Getting good sleep is essential for your health and well-being, which means you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of doing everything in your power to make sure that you can get it. If you’re experiencing sleeping issues, try the 3 things mentioned here first, but if you’re still having problems getting quality sleep, then you might want to consult a doctor and see what they recommend.