It’s a question that we get asked a lot here at Dental Care Blog: can an orthodontist refuse to remove braces? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. While most orthodontists will work with their patients to ensure that the braces are removed in a timely manner, there are some orthodontists who will refuse to do so.
Reasons why orthodontist may refuse to remove braces
1. The reason why an orthodontist may refuse to remove braces is usually due to one of two reasons. The first reason is that the orthodontist does not believe that the teeth have been properly aligned. This can often be the case if the patient has not worn their braces for the full length of time prescribed by the orthodontist. In these cases, the orthodontist may want to keep the braces on for an additional period of time in order to ensure that the teeth are properly aligned.
2. The second reason why an orthodontist may refuse to remove braces is due to financial considerations. In some cases, an orthodontist may require that their patients pay for an additional course of treatment before they will agree to remove the braces. This is often the case when patients have not kept up with their payments or when they have failed to meet their obligations under their treatment contract.
If you find yourself in a situation where your orthodonist is refusing to remove your braces, it is important to understand why they are doing so. In most cases, it is due to one of two reasons: either they believe that the teeth have not been properly aligned or they have financial considerations. If you are unsure about why your orthodonist is refusing to remove your braces, you should always consult with them so that you can better understand their decision.