What is 'N' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the company's third class of preferred shares. The N in the stock quote will be the fifth letter in the string, thus identifying that the share...
What is 'O' A component of a stock symbol that indicates the shares of that stock are a second class of preferred shares. The "O" identifier can be seen after the dot of a NYSE stock symbol,...
What is 'NASDAQ OMX 100 Index' A market-capitalization weighted index made up of the 100 largest companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX group exchanges in the United States and the Nordic countries. This index tracks large growth...
What is 'E. Linn Draper Jr.' A former chairman, CEO and president of Ohio-based public utility holding company American Electric Power Company. He became the company's leader just as energy deregulation took place, and he led a...
What is 'P' A symbol that, when used as the fifth letter in a ticker symbol, indicates that a security is a first preferred issue. Called a fifth-letter identifier, "P" and most other letters of the alphabet,...
What is 'Q' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that a particular stock is in bankruptcy proceedings. Explaining 'Q' Nasdaq-listed securities have four or five characters. If a fifth letter appears, it identifies the issue...
What is 'NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite' A market capitalization-weighted index made up of U.S.-based and international stocks that represent the NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite. The NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite consists of 1,200 stocks that...
What is 'S' A Nasdaq stock symbol indicating shares of beneficial interest. Explaining 'S' Nasdaq-listed securities have four or five characters. If a fifth letter appears, it identifies the issue as other than a...
What is 'R' 1. An occasional fifth letter in a Nasdaq-traded company's ticker symbol that identifies the stock as a rights offering. Nasdaq-listed securities usually have four or five characters. The ticker symbol by itself has four...
What is 'T' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock has warrants or rights. Explaining 'T' Nasdaq-listed securities have four or five characters. If a fifth letter appears, it identifies the issue as...