What is 'Rafael Miranda Robredo' A former CEO of Spanish electricity company Endesa. Born in Spain in 1949, Roberdo worked for Tudor and Campofrio before joining Endesa in 1987 as a managing director. In 1997 he became...
What is 'Daily Chart' A line graph that displays the intraday movements of a given security. This contrasts to longer term charts, such as those that show a security's movement over a period of days, months or...
What is 'AC-DC Option' A derivative that gives an investor the right - but not the obligation - to buy (call) or sell (put) a security at a certain price (strike), and in which the investor makes...
DefinitionForm W-9 is used in the United States income tax system by a third party who must file an information return with the Internal Revenue Service. It requests the name, address, and taxpayer identification information of a taxpayer. W-9...
What is 'A-B Trust' A trust created by a married couple with the objective of minimizing estate taxes. An A-B trust is is a trust that divides into two upon the death of the first spouse. It...
What is B-Share and how does it work B-share is a type of stock that is typically issued by foreign companies that are listed on a U.S. exchange. B-shares usually have the same economic rights as other shares of the...


Over-the-counter (OTC) refers to the process of how securities are traded for companies not listed on a formal exchange. Securities that are traded over-the-counter are traded via a dealer network as opposed to on a centralized exchange. OTC...
What is 'KSOP' A qualified retirement plan that combines an employee's stock ownership plan (ESOP) with a 401(k). Under this type of retirement plan the company will match employee contributions with stock rather than cash. KSOPs benefit...
DefinitionF. Duane Ackerman is an American businessman. He was the last chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BellSouth Corporation. F. Duane Ackerman What is 'F. Duane Ackerman' The former CEO of BellSouth from 1997 to 2006 and...
What is the 'U.S. Dollar Index - USDX' The U.S. dollar index (USDX) is a measure of the value of the U.S. dollar relative to the value of a basket of currencies of the majority of the...