What is a 'Macro Environment' A macro environment is the condition that exists in the economy as a whole, rather than in a particular sector or region. In general, the macro environment includes trends in gross domestic...


DTI is debt to income ratio Your debt to income ratio is an important part of your credit score calculation A low debt to income ratio is preferable Further Reading Economic growth, development of telecommunications infrastructure,...
What is 'KRW' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Korean won (KRW), the former currency for Korea. The won was made up of 100 chon and is often presented with the symbol (__). No banknotes...
DefinitionThe Pac-Man defense is a defensive business strategy used to stave off a hostile takeover, in which a company that is threatened with a hostile takeover "turns the tables" by attempting to acquire its would-be buyer. The name refers...
What is a 'Haircut' A haircut is the difference between prices at which a market maker can buy and sell a security. The term comes from the fact that market makers can trade at such a thin...
What is 'Jack Welch' The former chairman and CEO of General Electric (GE) from 1981 - 2001. Welch expanded the company and dramatically increased its market value from $14 billion to $410 billion during his tenure. ...
What is 'Labor Productivity' Labor productivity is a measure of economic growth within a country. Labor productivity measures the amount of goods and services produced by one hour of labor; specifically, labor productivity measures the amount of...
The MACD is a stock market indicator that plays a crucial part in the technical analysis of the market. The MACD is basically the study of price graphs in order to recognize trends and to predict the developments in...
DefinitionThe Regional Bell Operating Companies are the result of United States v. AT&T, the U.S. Department of Justice antitrust suit against the former American Telephone & Telegraph Company. On January 8, 1982, AT&T Corp. settled the suit and agreed...
What is 'DAGMAR' DAGMAR is a marketing approach used to measure the results of an advertising campaign. DAGMAR is an acronym that stands for defining advertising goals for measured advertising results. DAGMAR seeks to guide consumers through...