Occupancy Rate
What is the 'Occupancy Rate'
Occupancy rate refers to the ratio of rented or used space compared to the total amount of available space. Analysts...
G. Allen Andreas Jr.
What is 'G. Allen Andreas Jr.' The former president, chairman and CEO of agribusiness company Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). In the late...
RSI stands for the Relative Strength Index. The Relative Strength Index was developed by J. Welles Wilder. It measures the change and speed of...
Yale School of Management (Yale SOM)
What is 'Yale School of Management - Yale SOM' Yale University's graduate business school. The school offers both MBA and Ph.D. level...
NASD Rule 2790
What is 'NASD Rule 2790' A ruling passed by the National Association of Dealers (NASD), a self-regulating organization, prohibiting certain individuals from...
ABCD Counties
What is 'ABCD Counties' Categories of U.S. counties devised by AC Nielsen Company that are based on U.S. Census Bureau population data...
Maastricht Treaty
What is the 'Maastricht Treaty' The Maastricht Treaty is the treaty that is responsible for the creation of the European Union, signed...
DefinitionMarcos Ligero, better known as D-Mark, is a Spanish Electronic Dance Music DJ, musician and producer. Starting with the music as a hobby in...
What is 'AAA' AAA is the highest possible rating assigned to an issuer's bonds by credit rating agencies. An AAA-rated bond has...
New Nationwide Survey Exposes Stimulus Myth
RALEIGH, NC (Finance Reference Data Insights) -- A new, nationwide study of United States adults casts doubts on the potential effectiveness of the new...