JOD (Jordanian Dinar)
What is 'JOD' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Jordanian Dinar (JOD), the currency for Jordan. The dinar is made...
Babcock Graduate School of Management
DefinitionThe Wake Forest University School of Business was formerly the Babcock Graduate School of Management and the Calloway School of Business and Accountancy. Established...
What are Fixed Interest Rates
What are Fixed Interest Rates There are several factors involved when you obtain a loan. For instance, when you look for a mortgage,...
Wage Assignment
What Is a Wage Assignment?
A wage assignment is an agreement in which an employer assigns its right to a certain amount of wages to...
W-Shaped Recovery
What is 'W-Shaped Recovery' An economic cycle of recession and recovery that resembles a "W" in charting. A W-shaped recovery represents the...
FICO Score
FICO score is one to the measures that are used by the lenders to assess the credit risk of an applicant, and then decide...
C Corporation
What is a C Corporation
A C corporation is a business structure in which the company's shareholders own its assets and are liable for its...
LAK (Lao Kip)
What is 'LAK' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Lao kip (LAK), the currency of Laos. The kip is made...