KPW (North Korean Won)
KPW (North Korean Won) What is 'KPW' The currency symbol or currency abbreviation for the North Korean won (KPW), the currency...
Jakarta Stock Exchange (JKT) .JK
What is 'Jakarta Stock Exchange (JKT) .JK' Indonesia's first stock exchange. Founded in 1912 for the interest of the Dutch East India...
T+1 (T+2,T+3)
What is 'T+1 (T+2,T+3)' Abbreviations that refer to the settlement date of security transactions. The T stands for transaction date, which is...
Face-Amount Certificate Company
What is 'Face-Amount Certificate Company'
Debt securities are issued by investment firms to their investors as a form of debt financing. These securities are referred...
FDIC Problem Bank List
DefinitionIn American finance, the FDIC problem bank list is a confidential list created and maintained by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which lists banks...
Labor Intensive
What is 'Labor Intensive'
Labor intensive refers to a process or industry that requires a large amount of labor to produce its goods or services....
ZEW Economic Sentiment
What is 'ZEW Economic Sentiment' A monthly economic survey. The ZEW Economic Sentiment is an almalgamation of the sentiments of approximately 350...