Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

What are 'Key Performance Indicators - KPI' Key performance indicators (KPI) are a set of quantifiable measures that a company uses to gauge its performance over time. These metrics are used to determine a company's progress in achieving its strategic and operational goals, and also to compare a company's finances and performance against other businesses within its...

Kellogg School Of Management

Definition The Kellogg School of Management is the business school of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, with additional campuses in downtown Chicago, Illinois and Miami, Florida. Kellogg offers MBA, MSMS, and PhD programs, along with dual-MBA/JD, dual-MBA/MDI, and MMM programs. Kellogg partners with schools in China, France, Singapore, India, Spain, Hong Kong, Israel, Germany, Canada, and Thailand. Kellogg School Of Management What...

Keefe Bank Index

What is 'Keefe Bank Index' An index of regional bank and money centers. The Keefe Bank Index is compiled by Keefe, Keefe, Bruyette and Woods, an investment banking firm in New York City that focuses on banking stocks. The banks in this index are weighted according to capitalization. Explaining 'Keefe Bank Index' The full...

Killer Bees

What is 'Killer Bees' An individual or firm that helps a company fend off a takeover attempt. A killer bee uses defensive strategies to keep an attempted hostile takeover from occurring. Companies use a variety of anti-takeover measures, sometimes referred to as shark repellents, to discourage unfriendly takeover attempts from happening. Once an unfriendly takeover attempt has...

Key Employee

DefinitionKey employee, in U.S. Internal Revenue Service terminology, is an employee classification used when determining if company-sponsored qualified retirement plans, including 401 defined benefit plans and 401s, are considered "top-heavy" or, in other words, weighted towards the company's more highly compensated individuals. Key Employee What is a 'Key Employee' A key employee is an employee with a...

Kyrgyzstani Som (KGS)

What is 'Kyrgyzstani Som - KGS' The official currency of Kyrgyzstan, which is also called the Kyrgyz Republic. The multicolored paper notes come in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 som and feature portraits of important people in the country's history. A fraction of a som - the functional equivalent of...

Kamikaze Defense

What is 'Kamikaze Defense ' A type of takeover defense mechanism sometimes resorted to by a company that is the target of a hostile bid. Kamikaze defense involves reshaping the target company - either by divesting substantial assets or by making unappealing acquisitions - so that its attraction to a corporate raider is greatly reduced. Kamikaze defense...

Kiddie Tax

DefinitionThe kiddie tax rule exists in the United States of America and can be found in Internal Revenue Code § 1, which "taxes certain unearned income of a child at the parent's marginal rate, no matter whether the child can be claimed as a dependent on the parent's return". Kiddie Tax What is 'Kiddie Tax' A special...

Kangaroo Bond

What is 'Kangaroo Bond' Unlisted foreign bonds are bonds that are issued on the Australian market by non-Australian companies and are denominated in the local currency of Australia. The bond is subject to all applicable laws and regulations in Australia. A "matilda bond" is another term for this kind of relationship. Explaining 'Kangaroo Bond' Foreign bonds, such as kangaroo bonds, are primarily utilized...

Key Person Insurance

Definition Key person insurance, also known as keyman insurance, key man insurance, or 'key employee insurance,' is a kind of business insurance that is critical to the success of a company. The term "key person insurance" does not have a legal meaning. In general, it may be characterized as an insurance policy purchased by a company to pay that company...