KWD (Kuwaiti Dinar)
What is 'KWD' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Kuwaiti dinar (KWD), the currency of Kuwait. The dinar is made of 1000 fils, and it is often presented with the symbol (__). The dinar has the highest value of any currency in the world. Explaining 'KWD' The dinar was first seen in...
Macro Manager
What is 'Macro Manager' A boss or supervisor who lets employees do their jobs with minimal supervision. Macro managers are thought of by some employees as superiors who do not give them enough support or feedback to do their jobs effectively, while others may be glad to be trusted and left alone. A macro manager is the...
Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)
What is 'Zero-Based Budgeting - ZBB' Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is a method of budgeting in which all expenses must be justified for each new period. Zero-based budgeting starts from a "zero base," and every function within an organization is analyzed for its needs and costs. Budgets are then built around what is needed for the upcoming period,...
What is 'E' A temporary fifth character suffix to a symbol for a stock traded on Nasdaq, indicating that the issuer is delinquent in regulatory filings. The "E" suffix is currently only used for Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) issues. For Nasdaq National Market and SmallCap securities, the "E" suffix has been replaced by the Financial Status Indicator...
NPV – Net Present Value
The difference between the present cash value and the value of cash outflows at present will give you the net present value. Net present value is one of the most important and the most popular methods of analyzing the profitability associated with any project or investment. It is an important part of capital budgeting. Formula The formula for calculating...
What is 'F' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock is a foreign company. Explaining 'F' Nasdaq-listed securities have four or five characters. If a fifth letter appears, it identifies the issue as other than a single issue of common stock or capital stock. Further Reading Trends in park tourism: Economics,...
What is 'G' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the first preferred bond of the company. Explaining 'G' Nasdaq-listed securities have four or five characters. If a fifth letter appears, it identifies the issue as other than a single issue of common stock or capital stock. Further Reading An empirical comparison...
HARPEX Shipping Index (HARPEX Index)
What is 'HARPEX Shipping Index' The container ship index of ship brokers Harper Petersen & Co. The HARPEX Shipping Index tracks weekly container shipping rate changes in the time charter market for eight classes of all-container ships. The index was compiled in 2004, but by using a database of 10,000 records, can be calculated retrospectively back to 1986. Explaining 'HARPEX Shipping...
What is 'H' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the second preferred bond of the company. Explaining 'H' Nasdaq-listed securities have four or five characters. If a fifth letter appears, it identifies the issue as other than a single issue of common stock or capital stock. Further Reading Heterogeneous agent...
S-8 Filing
What is 'S-8 Filing' A SEC filing required for companies wishing to issue equity to their employees. Explaining 'S-8 Filing' Similar to filing a prospectus, the S-8 outlines the details of an internal issuing of stock or options to employees. Further Reading Shell companies as IPO alternatives: an analysis of trading activity...