
What is 'Macro-Hedge' An investment technique used to eliminate the risk of a portfolio of assets. In most cases, this would mean taking a position that offsets the whole portfolio. But this technique is difficult in practice because there is rarely one asset that will offset the risk of a broader portfolio, so applying a macro-hedge most...

Baby Boomer

baby boomer

What are baby boomers and what generation do they belong to A baby boomer is a person who was born between 1946 and 1964. So, currently, a baby boomer is someone who is between 56 and 74 years old. The term "baby boomer" is used to describe this demographic group because there was a significant increase in the number of...


What is 'XD' A symbol used to signify that a security is trading ex-dividend. XD is an alphabetic qualifier that acts as shorthand to tell investors key information about a specific security in a stock quote. Sometimes "X" alone is used to indicate that the stock is trading ex-dividend. Qualifiers can vary depending on where the stock...

Valuation Mortality Table

What is 'Valuation Mortality Table' A statistical chart that is used by insurance companies to calculate the statutory reserve and cash surrender values of life insurance policies. A mortality table shows the death rate at any given age in terms of the number of deaths that occur for every thousand individuals of that age; it provides statistics...

Habendum Clause

Habendum Clause

What is a Habendum Clause A Habendum Clause is a real estate legal term that refers to the portion of a deed that states the title holder's intentions for the use of the property. In other words, it spells out what the property can be used for and how long the holder has the right to use it. The clause...


What is 'XW' A symbol used to signify that a security is trading ex-warrant. XW is one of many alphabetic qualifiers that act as a shorthand to tell investors key information about a specific security in a stock quote. These qualifiers should not be confused with ticker symbols, some of which, like qualifiers, are just one or...

Vacation Home

What is 'Vacation Home' A dwelling other than the owner's primary residence that is used for recreational purposes, like vacations (hence the name). Because vacation homes are only used at certain times, many owners will rent out their vacation homes when they are not using them. For example, a couple living in Maine might occupy a vacation...

EAFE Index

What is the 'EAFE Index' The EAFE Index is an index created by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) that serves as a benchmark of the performance in major international equity markets as represented by 21 major MSCI indexes from Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia. This international index has been in existence for more than 30 years. ...

Jacob Schiff

DefinitionJacob Henry Schiff was a Jewish-American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. Among many other things, he helped finance the expansion of American railroads and the Japanese military efforts against Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. Jacob Schiff What is 'Jacob Schiff' A banker and philanthropist who directed the National City Bank of New York, the Equitable Life Assurance...

SAFE Investment Company (China)

What is 'SAFE Investment Company (China)' The SAFE Investment Company is the Hong Kong branch of the Chinese sovereign wealth fund. The SAFE Investment Company is a private company, however officials from the Chinese State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) department serve on its Board of Directors. The fund is set aside primarily as a foreign currency...