What is a ‘Kickback’
A kickback is the payment of something of value to a recipient as compensation or reward for providing favorable treatment to another party.
Explaining ‘Kickback’
A kickback can be legal or illegal. A common form of kickback, in the context of investing, is a commission rebate for investors who trade frequently.
Further Reading
- Competition through commissions and kickbacks – www.aeaweb.org [PDF]
- Kickbacks or compensation: The case of yield spread premiums – heinonline.org [PDF]
- Unaffordable housing and political kickbacks rocked the American economy – heinonline.org [PDF]
- … empirical investigation of corruption and its relationship to economic, cultural, and monitoring institutions: An examination of the role of accounting and financial – journals.sagepub.com [PDF]
- International financial liberalization, corruption, and economic growth – onlinelibrary.wiley.com [PDF]