Hey folks, this is an unrelated blog post to what I normally write, just wanted to put this out on the internet to help others who might be having the same problems…
If you are trying to connect your new Momentum wi-fi cameras but aren’t having any luck, here are a couple of potential issues you might want to check…
Are you connecting to a 2.4GHz network? The cameras do not seem to want to connect to a 5GHz network and, in fact, might not be capable of it. If you have a dual-band system, you might need to make sure you connect to the 2.4GHz.
Does your router support UPnP? If you use AT&T U-verse like me, it doesn’t. This means you need to set up port forwarding.
Importantly, you need to set up Port-Forwarding for the device you are using to set up the camera, not just the cameras themselves. The port in question is 8001 (which you would only discover if you look at one of the screenshots from the little manual provided). Use your router admin to forward port 8001 and you should be good to go.
Set up in a strong-signal area, then move it to a weaker signal area. It seems to demand a high quality signal for the setup process, but is more lenient after that.
Hope this helps!
Update: The newer versions of the Momentum cameras work significantly better. I now have 6 of the new ones and haven’t had any difficulty.