Tag: bank

Range Accrual

DefinitionIn finance, a range accrual is a type of derivative product very popular among structured-note investors. It is estimated that more than US$160 billion...

Samurai Market

What is 'Samurai Market' A slang term for the stock market in Japan. Samurai market is usually used buy non-residents of Japan,...

Sale and Repurchase Agreement (SRA)

What is 'Sale and Repurchase Agreement - SRA' An open market operation, implemented by the central Bank of Canada, that is designed...

Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L)

What is the 'Savings And Loan Crisis - S&L' The Savings and Loan (S&L) Crisis began under the volatile interest rate climate...

Safekeeping Certificate

What is 'Safekeeping Certificate' A document that represents ownership of a security or certificate of deposit. Safekeeping certificates are the investor's claim...

Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF)

What is 'Savings Association Insurance Fund - SAIF' A government insurance fund for savings and loans and thrift institutions in the United...


What is 'Safekeeping' Safekeeping is the storage of assets or other items of value in a protected area. Individuals may...

Sacrifice Ratio

What is the 'Sacrifice Ratio' The sacrifice ratio is an economic ratio that measures the costs associated with slowing down economic output...

Savior Plan

What is 'Savior Plan' When management and employees borrow money to invest in their failing company in an attempt to save it....

Salomon Brothers World Equity Index (SBWEI)

What is 'Salomon Brothers World Equity Index - SBWEI' An index that measures the performance of fixed-income and equity securities from domestic...

