Tag: securities
3 Concepts That Masterworks Borrowed From The Real Estate Industry
When most people think about the concept of innovation, they picture a revolutionary idea born out of nowhere that upends traditional models. While this...
Securities vs Equities
When it comes to investments, there are two main types of securities: securities and equities. While both offer potential benefits, they differ in important...
Understanding Common Types of Equities and Securities
Investing your money is an excellent way to accumulate wealth and increase your financial stability. Today, there are many investment options, including equities (stocks)...
Korea Investment Corporation
Korea Investment Corporation was established in 2005 to preserve and enhance the long-term purchasing power of South Korea's sovereign wealth through efficient management of...
Keepwell Agreement
What is a Keepwell Agreement
A Keepwell Agreement is a contract between a parent company and its subsidiary stating that the subsidiary will not be...
Hard-To-Borrow List
What is a Hard-To-Borrow List
A hard to borrow list is inventory utilized by brokerages to identify securities that are not available for borrowing for...
Harmless Warrant
What is a Harmless Warrant
A warrant is a security that gives the holder the right to buy or sell shares of common stock at...
Yield Curve Risk
What is the 'Yield Curve Risk' The yield curve risk is the risk of experiencing an adverse shift in market interest rates...
Yield Tilt Index Fund
What is 'Yield Tilt Index Fund' A type of mutual fund that allocates capital as a standard index, by replicating the holdings...
Yellow Sheets
What is 'Yellow Sheets' A United States bulletin that provides updated bid and ask prices as well as other information on over-the-counter...