Tag: securities

Deal Flow

DefinitionDeal flow is a term used by finance professionals such as venture capitalists, angel investors, private equity investors and investment bankers to refer to...

Dealer-Median Prepayment Speed

What is 'Dealer-Median Prepayment Speed' The median value of all Wall Street securities dealers' prepayment speed estimates for the underlying mortgages used...

Dealer Bank

What is 'Dealer Bank' A commercial bank authorized to buy and sell government debt securities including federal and municipal bonds. This debt...
dangerous asset

Dangerous Asset

What is a dangerous asset and why are they so risky A dangerous asset is an investment that carries a high degree of risk. While...

Dark Pool Liquidity

What is 'Dark Pool Liquidity' Dark pool liquidity is the trading volume created by institutional orders executed on private exchanges and unavailable...

Dated Date

What is 'Dated Date' The date at which interest begins to accrue on a fixed-income security. Investors who purchase a fixed-income security...

Day Loan

What is 'Day Loan' A temporary transfer of funds from a bank to an individual broker or a brokerage firm that is...

Ultrafast Trading

What is 'Ultrafast Trading' A lucrative and highly competitive method of stock trading that uses special software that works in milliseconds to...


What is a 'Warrant' A warrant is a derivative that confers the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security – normally...

Underlying Security

What is an 'Underlying Security' An underlying security is the security on which a derivative derives its value. For example, a call...

