Tag: securities
Bear Market
A bear market refers to a market in which the prices of securities take a dip resulting in significant losses. It is quite difficult...
Back Stop
What is a 'Back Stop' A back stop is the act of providing last-resort support or security in a securities offering for...
Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC)
What is 'Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation - CDCC' The central clearing counterparty for exchange-traded derivative products, such as options and futures, in...
Callable Swap
What is 'Callable Swap' An exchange of cash flows in which one counterparty makes payments based on a fixed interest rate, the...
Canadian Rollover Mortgage
Home Ownership by Country Canadian Rollover Mortgage What is 'Canadian Rollover Mortgage' A home mortgage with an adjustable rate feature. The Canadian...
Callable Common Stock
What is 'Callable Common Stock' A security that represents ownership in a corporation that has voting rights, whose owners are last to...
Canadian Capital Markets Association (CCMA)
What is 'Canadian Capital Markets Association - CCMA' A nonprofit organization that was created to analyze issues arising in the Canadian and...
Canadian Originated Preferred Securities (COPrS)
What is 'Canadian Originated Preferred Securities - COPrS' A long-term subordinated debt instrument issued in Canada. COPrS (pronounced "coppers") are a type...
Calcutta Stock Exchange (CAL) .CL
Calcutta Stock Exchange (CAL) .CL What is 'Calcutta Stock Exchange (CAL) .CL ' The securities market in Calcutta, India. The country's...
Committee Payment Settlement Systems CPSS
Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Global financial standard setting, the G10 committees, and international economic law...