Tag: security

Fair Funds for Investors

What is 'Fair Funds for Investors' Provision introduced in 2002, under Section 308(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Fair Funds for Investors was...

Waterfall Payment

What is a 'Waterfall Payment' A waterfall payment is a type of payment scheme in which higher-tiered creditors receive interest and principal...

Preferred Stock

DefinitionPreferred stock is a type of stock which may have any combination of features not possessed by common stock including properties of both an...

Market Sentiment

DefinitionMarket sentiment is the general prevailing attitude of investors as to anticipated price development in a market. This attitude is the accumulation of a...
Wash trading

Wash Trading

What is Wash Trading Wash trading is the illegal practice of buying and selling assets in order to artificially inflate the price. This is often...
Weak Form Efficiency

Weak Form Efficiency

What is Weak Form Efficiency In finance, weak form efficiency is the idea that prices reflect all information that is publicly available. In other words,...

Wash-Sale Rule

DefinitionA wash sale is a sale of a security at a loss and repurchase of the same or substantially identical security shortly before or...

Warrant Premium

What is 'Warrant Premium' The amount that an investor must pay above the current market price for a security, when purchasing and...

Wash Sale

DefinitionA wash sale is a sale of a security at a loss and repurchase of the same or substantially identical security shortly before or...


What is a warranty and what does it cover A warranty is a guarantee or promise made by a seller about the quality of their...

