Tag: security

dangerous asset

Dangerous Asset

What is a dangerous asset and why are they so risky A dangerous asset is an investment that carries a high degree of risk. While...

Defined Benefit Plan

DefinitionA defined benefit pension plan is a type of pension plan in which an employer/sponsor promises a specified pension payment, lump-sum on retirement that...

Day Order

What is a 'Day Order' A day order is an order to buy or sell a security that automatically expires if not...
dead cat bounce

Dead Cat Bounce

What is a dead cat bounce and how can you spot one in the stock market A "dead cat bounce" is a small, short-lived recovery...

Death Benefit

What is 'Death Benefit' Death benefit is the amount on a life insurance policy, annuity or pension that is payable to the...

Daisy Chain

What is 'Daisy Chain' Daisy chain is a term used to describe a group of unscrupulous investors who, when practicing a kind...


What is a 'Warrant' A warrant is a derivative that confers the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security – normally...
underlying option security

Underlying Option Security

What is an underlying option security An underlying option security is a security that can be used as collateral for options contracts. The most common...

Underlying Security

What is an 'Underlying Security' An underlying security is the security on which a derivative derives its value. For example, a call...

Ultimate Mortality Table

What is 'Ultimate Mortality Table' A mortality table that lists the death rates of insured persons of each sex and age group...

