Have you ever noticed a charge on your credit card statement from a company called “Jet Frog” and wondered what it was? Well, you’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Jet Frog credit card charges.
What is Jet Frog?
Jet Frog is a third-party credit card processor. This means that they process credit card payments for businesses who don’t have their own merchant account. When you make a purchase from a business that uses Jet Frog, they will show up as the merchant on your credit card statement.
What is a Jet Frog Credit Card Charge?
A Jet Frog credit card charge is simply a processing fee that the business has passed on to you, the customer. The fee is typically around 2.5% of the total purchase price, but can vary depending on the business and the type of card you used. For example, if you made a $100 purchase with a debit card, the total charge would be $102.50 (the $100 purchase price plus the $2.50 processing fee).
Is There Any Way to Avoid Jet Frog Charges?
Unfortunately, there’s no way to avoid Jet Frog charges altogether. However, some businesses may offer discounts for customers who pay with cash or check instead of using a credit or debit card. So, if you’re worried about being charged a processing fee, it’s always worth asking if there’s a way to avoid it before you make your purchase.
Jet Frog charges are just one of the many fees that businesses have to pay in order to accept credit and debit cards. While there’s no way to avoid them altogether, some businesses may offer discounts for customers who pay with cash or check instead of using a credit or debit card. So, if you’re worried about being charged a processing fee, it’s always worth asking if there’s a way to avoid it before you make your purchase.